A a subject, this has bugged me for a while. I thought I was the only one, until stumbling randomly on anammanzo's blog last week. Ana's blog entitled 'the place of dreams' draws on the many thoughts we as architects have when designing projects, and notably the idea of fun in architecture. In her two essays 'fun architecture' and 'the fun theory' Ana addresses this taboo of fun and explains what I have been trying to explain for years to countless people when they so casually ask me ' what type of architecture are you in to?'. 'Fun architecture' is not the 'high tech/environmetal' answer they were expecting. Ana gives some good suggestions as to books to read on the subject too, (many of which have been sat on my Amazon wishlist for a while now!) bashing that intellectual cliche that fun architecture has no solid intellectual grounding. I for one will continue to follow Ana - I salute you Ana for putting into words what I couldn't.
fun architecture http://anammanzo.wordpress.com/2010/08/11/fun-architecture/
the fun theory....challanging human behavior